

Coding the world.

Hello! 2023


In the blink of an eye, it's already 2023. Time flies so fast! 🤯

What did Dai Dou do in the past year?

Ⅰ. Gaming🎮#

Returned to playing Arknights (previously abandoned due to lack of time), feel free to add me as a friend (official server) DaiDou#7341


After 2 years, finally reached level 60 in Genshin Impact! (Official server 104003683)


Reached max level with Rosaria! (She's my favorite character) (Official server 13237896)

Finished the story of Marvel's Spider-Man (haven't collected everything yet, though), started playing Monster Hunter Rise on a friend's recommendation, and played Devil May Cry 5. I used to be really eager to play games, but recently it has become a bit boring. 🧐 Steam

Ⅱ. Development⌨️#

Let's start with the GitHub heatmap. This year, I've been busy with various projects, including maintaining the HangZhu frontend and some college projects, as well as starting many of my own.


I've been using Vue a lot this year, and most of the projects below are developed using Vue. I've also been trying to learn React, but I find it a bit challenging to write.

Around March 2022, I developed a truth table generator (mainly for solving discrete math problems), and I also open-sourced it to learn Antlr. ~(Also managed to get a software copyright)~


In May, I created a Paimon browser extension. Initially, it was just for checking Genshin Impact resin, but unexpectedly, many people liked it, and it is still actively being iterated and updated. I received help from many experts during the development process, and with the help of Genshin Impact players from various countries, I was able to localize it in Japanese and Russian. The extension uses antfu's extension template vitesse-webext (very convenient, highly recommended, but the mv3 version is not very usable yet). During the development process, I also made a few commits to vitesse-webext and translated an article related to extension APIs for MDN.


Almost at the same time as the Paimon extension, I started working on mc-skinviewer. This is a Minecraft skin preview library completely based on CSS transforms, and it was my first attempt to use 3D transforms extensively in a web page. Although the final result was not satisfactory and there were some differences in rendering effects across different browsers.


In the first half of the year, I started a project called "Dream Merchant," aiming to create a mirror site for Minecraft server cores. It's simple and convenient to find and download server cores. https://www.fastmirror.net


A few months ago, SumiJie asked me to develop a frontend for his new project, which is a search engine for modpacks on CurseForge that contain a specific mod. It can be said to be a search artifact. It was my first attempt to load Chinese fonts in the frontend using font subsets. https://modpack.daidr.me


~Continuing from the previous project,~ in order to load Chinese fonts in the frontend, I created a font subset tool for myself. Although it is open source, the code is messy, and it is only compatible with the browser environment based on browserify. I also made some modifications for loading wasm. https://font.daidr.me


After updating to iOS 16, I discovered that Apple's dual-tone filters are really fun ~(and cool)~, so I recreated one for fun. https://dt.daidr.me


There are actually some other interesting projects, but I won't mention them here because they are not yet completed (such as the part of using Rust to implement random number enumeration in RNG enchantments, ~but it turned out to be too ambitious and messy~ and it's still unfinished).

Ⅲ. Technology💻#

I have been primarily learning React, but progress has been slow. Some of the HangZhu projects will use it. I'm also interested in Vue's SSR/SSG and plan to learn more about them.

I'm self-learning Rust and hope to fill in the gaps soon.

Towards the end of the year, I started a small project to remake the business card page I wrote three years ago (https://im-old.daidr.me). It's almost finished now, feel free to take a look. https://im.daidr.me

This is my first attempt to use complex route switching/loading animations on a web page ~, and dealing with cross-browser compatibility has been quite challenging. I won't be doing it again in the future. 😵‍💫~

Ⅳ. DouAPI#

Data collected on January 10, 2023, 16:00

  1. All API calls: 1,091,149,027 (1.09 billion) times
  2. Hitokoto API calls: 1,078,869,726 (1.07 billion) times, accounting for 98.9%
  3. Chicken Soup for the Soul API calls: 9,966,754 (9.96 million) times, accounting for 0.91%
  4. Bilibili Danmaku API calls: 787,256 (787,256) times, accounting for 0.07%
  5. Weather API calls: 549,594 (545,000) times, accounting for 0.05%
  6. Signature API calls: 397,999 (398,000) times, accounting for 0.03%
  7. Genshin Impact player information API calls: 23,433 times, accounting for 0.002%

Among them, the most common source of signature API calls is www.mcbbs.net

Happy New Year! Let's work hard together.

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